Fun Ferns (Year 1 and Year ​​​​​​​2)

Our Fun Ferns Programme is aimed at introducing netball to our youngest players. Get them started in our great game early!

WE HAVE A TERM 1 FUN FERNS PROGRAMME! Find out more and register here.

Term 1 Details

Day:   Monday

Dates:   3rd March to 7th April

Session:   4pm to 5pm

Cost:   $35

Star Helper Information Session:  TBC


Term 4 Details

Day:   Friday

Dates:   10th October - 28th November (no session 24th October)

Session:   4pm to 5pm

Cost:   $35

Star Helper Information Session:  TBC

Woolworths futureFERNS (Year 3 and Year 4)

Our Woolworths futureFERNS Programme is for players Year 3 and 4. Sessions begin with learning a new skill, followed by a game.

Term 4 Details

Day:   Friday

Dates:   10th October - 28th November (no session 24th October)

Year 3 Session:   TBC - 2024 times were 5:30pm to 6:30pm (subject to change)

Year 4 Session:   TBC - 2024 times were 6:45pm to 7:45pm (subject to change)

Coaches Meeting:  TBC. All coaches must attend this meeting - even if you have previously been a futureFERNS coach.

Our affiliated clubs and schools register futureFERNS teams with the Centre.  Click here for a list of our Clubs and Schools.

If you are a club or school and wish to enter a futureFERNS team, click here for instructions on how to do this. For instructions on how to add players to your teams, click here

Are you a Year 3 or 4 player who wants to play, but your school or club are not entering a team into our competition? We can help! Email us.

Why have the rules, game and equipment been modified?

Sport for young people ought to be modified to suit their age, size and ability as children are not mini adults. Netball has been modified since the 1900’s and as we learn more from reviews, research and other sports, further adaptions have been made to ensure the game meets the needs of the players and grows as the players grow.

Woolworths futureFERNS aims to provide the players a fun and safe environment, maximise opportunities to participate. The programme encourages the development their skills and provides a progressive introduction to Netball, developing a lifelong love of the game.

The Woolworths futureFERNS programme, catering to primary and intermediate-aged children, was selected for NNZ's first customer experience project. These children play modified sport formats to enjoy more fun, passes, play, and shots, with a strong focus on skill development. Our goal is to increase participation in junior Netball by enriching the experience for all involved, strengthening relationships, streamlining processes, and leveraging technology. NNZ's first design sprint, part of their customer experience strategy, focused on enhancing the Woolworths futureFERNS programme.